Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Who said you can't cook?

Growing up i never knew how to cook, but  since I got into fitness and I wanted to change my life to a healthy lifestyle I had to learn how to cook. And you can do the same thing too. #SMF.

Monday, December 30, 2013

Get your protein in.

Cottage Cheese mix with solid white albacore tuna. Great sauce of protein.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Monday, December 23, 2013

The future CEO of SMF.

Building history for the future. I can see it coming in the name of Jesus! #SMF.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Give thanks to God.

Got up this afternoon with a :-) on my face, to see my kids playing N running around knowing that they are healthy.  Some kids are laying on their sick bed this morning. My kids are not any better then those kids. But it is the grace of God over their life. Have a great weekend everyone, don't be too grumpy, lol put a Smile on your face :-)

Monday, December 16, 2013

Is Monday are you ready?

Today my goal is to burn 7 to 8 hundred calories. And yes I can because I'm not going to stop when I am tired, I will stop when I am done. That's how you should be thinking when you step foot in the gym this morning. #SMF.

Friday, December 13, 2013


Sometimes you have to think if you don't do it now, what will be the consequence later. Is Friday don't apologize for going HARD. #SMF

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Monday, November 25, 2013

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Happy Thursday

Sometime I want to quite, but I look back and see how far i have come.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

New exercise.

This exercise is call windshield wipers. Hang  on the pull up bar, hold yourself up and swing your legs from left to right. I will try doing a video for this exercise. Thanks guys and enjoy it!!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Monday, October 21, 2013

Vi Life

Today's workout!
46 min Run
Jumping Rope = 400
Burpees = 68
Sit up & twist = 300
4 laps with 35lb Weights
Burned up to 500 Calories!!

Be Ready for may come your way.

It's not always going to be easy. So that should not give us the right to quit. Because by us quitting is not going to solve the problem. So be strong and be willing to make some sacrifices, because the road will be bumpy. #Trainingtime #Rip:60

Monday, October 14, 2013


Here's the link for voting. I've been working hard for you all, please help me by voting everyday!! Thank you!!
Vote for Ak to become the next Vi Model!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Modeling Contest

HELLO Everyone! I will be entering the modeling contest through Body by Vi!! Voting begins tomorrow, share with everyone b/c every vote matters!!!! Voting info will be up tomorrow!! Keep a look out for more info!!! Thank you for your support, and don't forget to follow me on my other sites!!! 

Monday, October 7, 2013

Healthy eating.

Baked potato chicken veggie. After a good workout you gotta have some delicious meal. Green pepper, onions, mushroom, tomatoes, and some green beans.

Thanks to you all.

Hey everyone I just want to thank you guys for watching the video much appreciated. More videos to come.

God bless!

Friday, October 4, 2013

Ak Moore (Keep Moving Forward)

First Motivational Video is up!! Major ups to Creative Creations Entertainment on helping!!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

No looking back.

Some of us do not reach our weight loss goals, because we do not stick with the plan. Maybe we need to stop double sizing at the drive through, and start doublesizeing  at the gym.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

I'm back.

I been gone for some time,but happy to be back.

Happy Tuesday everyone!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Big day!

Shooting my first ever workout /motivation video today. Very excited about that.GodIsgreat.

Saturday, August 24, 2013


I got an email from one of my agency to go for a casting, for a upcoming Walgreens print.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Photo Shoot.

5 more days until my photo shoot, feeling really excited because I've been putting in work.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Monday, August 5, 2013

Your Today!

What does your Today look like? Is it the same as your yesterday, or better?!

Monday is here!

Man Monday is already here,that means a lot to be done this week.Then looking forward to the weekend for our church 12 years anniversary celebration.You all are welcome:)

Friday, August 2, 2013

My workout today.

It Friday! so that means the weekend is here. What is your workout for today? Before going out tonight and drinking all the beer lol. For me I am doing some back, legs and you already know got to get some abs in haha! And we say it's Friday don't apologize for going HARD!!

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Know your body.

So i and the kids slept in till 10 this morning that was nice. But coming to the gym was a decision I had to make. My body and mind was fighting, my body was willing to do the work, but my mind was telling me to stay home. What is your mind telling you this morning?

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Put in the work,and not the drugs.

These baseball player need to STOP cheating and play the game the right way. Somebody please tell them that HARD WORK paysoff, and not HARD DRUGS paysoff

Monday, July 22, 2013

It's was a great weekend fill with fun, with family and friends. woke up this morning still alive.If you look around and see what is going on around the world we should be grateful to see another day,and give thanks to God. Make someone smile today:)

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Frank: Tough Guy


            In life, sometimes we are inspired by other people. We could be inspired by many things that people are doing in their lives.  One example is by what they are doing on a daily basis to keep their selves strong and healthy.  For myself, there is one person that has inspired me and that I admire.  His name is Frank. 

                Frank is a true inspiration for me.  He is 80 years young, living in Clearwater with his beautiful wife.  They have two children; a son and a daughter.  At 80 years old, Frank is 6’2” and 290 pounds and comes to the gym frequently. We both do our workouts at the Monticello Community Center. I have been coming to the center now for the past 3 years.  Every time I come into workout I see Frank.  I always make sure to say hello to him.  At times we also find ourselves having great conversations. 

I asked Frank why he trains during the week.  He says to me that he likes to keep himself healthy and moving.  A few years back, he got in an accident and acquired an injury in his ankle; so for him working out helps to keep his leg strong.  Training also helps to keep his mood uplifted and he really enjoys coming to the center to be around all the friendly people.  “Training will keep me strong,” he stated.  Coming to the gym every morning and seeing him working out, even at his age, helps me to work even harder.  I guess it also goes both ways because he has also told me he admires me too, saying, he would like to be like me one day.

I just want to say thank you to Frank for giving me the opportunity to get to know him and allowing me to write this article about him and our friendship at the gym.  May God bless you and add many more years to your life.